Benefits & other things we cover:

Sequenced postures to rebalance the neck and shoulders using Hatha Yoga and Pilates exercises to help mobilise the upper spine, strengthen the arms and release the neck.

Hip, Knee and Ankle 

We address muscular imbalances to the hip, knee and ankle and cover specific biased exercises to help strengthen these areas.


Spinal assessment and correction using active and passive Hatha Yoga Postures and clinical Pilates, with active postures to release restrictions in the spine, followed by restorative yoga to rebalance the spine.


Here we have developed individualised sequences to rebalance the pelvis with a focus on strengthening the core muscles and addressing weaknesses. Expect a variety of hip opening and strenghtening postures.


Learn how to meditate and create mindfulness in your every day life by utilising some simple and easy to learn techniques that will help to bring calmness and balance to your busy, hectic lives.

An introduction to Meditation and the scientifically proven benefits of maintaining a daily practice.  Yoga preparation exercises to help with sitting and two guided Meditation practices.

The following four Workshops are specific to certain groups of people:

Birth Rehearsal

If you want to know what to expect from labour and how to engage with it, this is probably the most practical workshop you can do. We will guide couples through a ‘Birth Story’ context, working through each stage of labour using breath, visualisations and movement. You will learn how to move through contractions using postures, breathing and states of consciousness to provide you with strategies for mental and emotional support and pain management.

Covering all the stages of labour, including delivery and what to do if it all goes wrong.  Active postures with partner work to prepare couples for labour and working through a ‘labour circuit’.  Breathing and specific visualisation techniques with Yoga Nidra.

Massage techniques are given and partners are inspired to feel confident, useful and empowered.

This is a fun workshop where a role is created for the birthing partner. Ideal for couples but single Mum’s to be welcome.

Well Women

This yoga workshop offers therapeutic and rebalancing yoga practices to support women throughout their life and monthly cycles. Topics covered include menstruation, pre-menstrual tension, fertility, peri-menopausal mood swings and post-menopausal health concerns including osteoporosis.  It addresses issues related to the female pelvic organs, including postnatal recovery and prolapse, and other issues of concern to women in particular, such as menstrual pain, insomnia, anemia and eating disorder.

A mixture of fluid rhythmic sequences (asana), breath awareness (pranayama), mudra, pelvis and pelvic floor awareness (bandha), deep relaxation, meditation and sound aiming to awaken our understanding of the Shakti energy within us enabling us to feel, nurture and build this energy for inner strength and healing.

Partner Yoga and Partner Massage

Partner Yoga comprises of simple Hatha Yoga sequences and some partner work which allows us to work more deeply into stretches in preparation for Partner Massage.

This is a unique opportunity to experience a Tantra based Workshop which allows partners to re-connect using yoga and simple massage techniques.
Working in pairs, you will learn how to give and receive a 30 minute full body treatment.

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